boo boos 5th March 2012

well gem i first met you in the halls at swanmore middle school i remember it to this day,i was sat at the table behind you you turned around and said come and sit next to me!we did so much together from then on,wound up youre next door neighbours dog then laugh as we heard it getting told of,made a hole in my mattress cause we used to jump of my boiler on to my bed,flooded my mum and dads bathroom...with poo,and then you told me you had made a cake and when i bit in to it it was a candle!! the list is endless,sometimes i really did think you were gunna wet yourself i made you laugh so much, we went right through high school together we even worked at hardcourt sands aged 13 making beds,then you got me the job at shanklin beach hotel,i loved working with you,and then walking behind you on your wedding day i thought how amazing you looked not a day goes by that i dont think of you gem and all the times spent together,love always carleen xxx